Grand Bethel Officers & Representatives
Grand Bethel is a state-level club that all members of Illinois Job’s Daughters are members of, too. The Grand Bethel Officers and Representatives are positions filled by girls from around the state. The elected leadership positions of Grand Bethel are Grand Bethel Junior Princess, Grand Bethel Senior Princess, and Grand Bethel Honored Queen. Our Grand Bethel Honored Queen, with the help of her Officers, Representatives, and committee, plans statewide events and programs to increase membership and member involvement.
Grand Bethel Honored Queen:
Amanda F, PHQ 52/57
Theme: Slay the Day (Fantasy)
Charity: HIKE
Mascot: Dragon
Colors: Sage Green & Pink
Flower: Wisteria
Quote: “If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, then you are an excellent leader" - Dolly Parton
Grand Bethel Senior Princess:
Lauren R, 55/48
Grand Bethel Junior Princess:
Casper L, 52
Grand Bethel Officers & Representatives
Grand Bethel Honored Queen
Grand Bethel Sr. Princess
Grand Bethel Jr. Princess
Grand Bethel Guide
Grand Bethel Chaplain
Grand Bethel Recorder
Grand Bethel 1st Messenger
Grand Bethel 2nd Messenger
Grand Bethel 5th Messenger
Grand Bethel Flag Bearer
Grand Bethel Rep. to Florida:
Grand Bethel Rep. to Indiana:
Grand Bethel Rep. to Missouri:
Grand Bethel Rep. to Wisconsin:
Amanda F, 52
Lauren R, 55/48
Casper L, 52
Annabelle R, 57
Riley G, 84
Isabella G, 96
Mariah B, 55
Jessica T, 14
Whitney V, 57
Emma W, 52
Emma V, 84
Mimi F, 14
Emmerson J, 96
Abby P, 52